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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This research explored the experiences of parent /divorced college students with a focus on resilience by the a method of phenomenological qualitative analysis. The participants were 6 parent /divorced college students. Data was collected by in-depth interview and the Sentence Completion Test, Symptom Checklist Revised and Parent /Divorced Experience Questionnaire. With data based on qualitative analysis, 8 common subjects were generated. Participants had risk factors such as ‘negative emotions about parents’, ‘fear of prejudice against divorced family’, ‘passive and withered interpersonal relationship’, ‘problem with heterosexual relationships’ and protective factors as ‘new perspective of family’, ‘emotional support’, ‘positive self-image’ and ‘clear economic concept’. This research was limited by data collection from of relatively adjusted subjects and only one in-depth interview session. The suggestions for future studies include comparison of experiences and resilience between groups with good a poor adjustment.
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