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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The objective of this study was to examine the temporal relationship between the symptoms of social anxiety and depression in children and adolescents, and to investigate the effect of age on the temporal relationship. Children(364 4th-5th graders) and adolescents(373 10th-11th graders) were given self-report measures of social anxiety and depression. The same measures were repeated 6 months later. The results of the structural equation modeling indicated that the path coefficient from T1 social anxiety to T2 social anxiety and the path coefficient from T1 depression to T2 depression were significant in both children and adolescents. The path coefficients from T1 social anxiety to T2 depression and from T1 depression to T2 social anxiety were significant in the children's model. T1 social anxiety was not associated with T2 depression, but T1 depression was significantly associated with T2 social anxiety in the adolescent model. However, in the adolescent model with modified scales, the path coefficient from T1 depression to T2 social anxiety was not significant.
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