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This study identified the personality and pathology subgroups, as based upon cluster analysis of the MMPI profiles of substance abusers. The Subgroups were compared for their duration of drug use, the frequency of substance abuse treatment and the frequency of imprisonment for other reason besides substance abuse. There were 2 types of MMPI subgroups. Type1 had a spike on scale 4(Pd). Type2 had high-ranging and floating profiles. The Type2 subgroup, the so-called Pathology subgroup was found have a significantly longer duration of drug use than the Type1 subgroup, the so-called antisocial personality tendency subgroup in duration of use. The Pathology subgroup(Type2) was found to seek treatment more voluntarily than the antisocial personality tendency subgroup(Type1). The Type2 subgroup also had a higher frequency of imprisonment for reason other than substance abuse. This result indicated that Type2 substance abusers had more somatic symptoms, persecutory ideas, emotional confusion and lower tolerance for stress. They are likely to benefit from general treatment programs that addresses their more chronic and serious mental health problems. Those in the Type1 subgroup, the antisocial personality tendency subgroup, may benefit from Motivational Interviewing or Motivational Enhancement Therapy that addresses their resistance and ambivalence resolution so that they become motivated to change.
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