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The aim of present study was to investigate the coping process characteristics of high-worriers with a focus on primary control mode and secondary control modes. The subjects were 300 college students, and the measures used were the PSWQ (Penn State Worry Questionnaire), the BDI (Beck Depressive Inventory), the MOCI (Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory), and the Coping Process Questionnaire of Threatening Conditions. The results showed that high-worriers exhibited maladjusted primary control modes (passive and helpless coping in a ontrollable condition) and maladjusted secondary control modes (excessive need control in an uncontrollable condition). High-worriers also overestimated ‘fatality of consequences’, ‘control need’, and ‘control duty’ more than low-worriers. Furthermore, high-worriers underestimated their own ‘coping ability’ more than low-worriers. Our results were interpreted in terms of relevant previous studies, and we discussed the limitations of present study and suggestions for future research.
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