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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The main purpose of this study was to develop a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program for juvenile sex offenders and to investigate the effects of the program. To this aim, a 15-session group CBT program was developed on the basis of previous studies, and juvenile sex offenders on probation in Seoul and Kyonggi Province received this program. Seventy-three adolescents completed this treatment program as well as pre- and post-treatment scales. The domains of the scales included cognitive distortion, victim empathy, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, and emotional stability. The results of the program were as follows. Statistically significant positive changes were found in the subjects' pre- and post- treatment scores pertaining to cognitive distortion, interpersonal relationships and emotional stability. These findings suggests that it is possible to make positive changes to the psychological characteristics of juvenile sex offenders using this treatment program. However, the changes in victim empathy and self-esteem did not reach the level of statistical significance. The implications and limitations of the present study were discussed along with suggestions for future research.
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