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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated the characteristics of the defense mechanisms used by substance abusers according to subgroups derived from MMPI-2 cluster analysis. Substance abusers who were on probation showed a slight rise on the Pd scale, and cluster analysis resulted in two distinct types of substance abusers. The first type, the defending type, showed relatively high Pd scale scores comparing to others, whereas those of the second type, the complaining type, showed significantly high scores on scales, such as Hs, Hy, Pd, Pa, Pt and Sc. The ego defense mechanisms used by the two types of substance abusers was examined, and the results showed that there were significant differences between the two types on scales such as Bragging, Passive-aggressive, Dissociation, Acting out, Reaction formation, Projection, Somatization, Evasion, Identification and Displacement. This study found that substance abusers of the defending and complaining types use different defense mechanisms, and suggested therapeutic interventions for relapse prevention relevant to the defense mechanisms used by each type of substance abuser.
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