open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aims of this study were to examine the relationships between life stress, coping and perceived social support and the posttraumatic stress and the mental health of 5·18 victims. The subjects were 311 5·18 victims in Gwangju, Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The data was collected through several trained examiners' interview and survey. The results showed that the relationships between posttraumatic stress, mental health and life stress, passive coping, and perceived social support were significant, but those between posttraumatic stress, mental health and active coping were not. The results from multiple regression analyses showed that life stress, passive coping and the perceived social support predicted the posttraumatic stress and mental health. The interaction effect between life stress and social support on the relationship between mental health and life stress was marginally significant. Analyses according to groups such as the wounded, the arrested, and the bereaved families showed somewhat different results according to the groups. That is, the interaction effect between life stress and social support on the relationship between posttraumatic stress and social support was marginally significant in the case of the wounded. To the contrary, the interaction effect between life stress and passive coping was marginally significant in the case of the arrested. The meanings of this study were the examination of some of the factors that influence the mental health of trauma victims and to provide suggestions for psychotherapy.
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