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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined visual deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), with a special focus on the perception of movement. Eighteen patients with mild AD viewed displays containing eight volumetric objects. Equal numbers of younger and older adults served as the controls. Each object rendered in a random check texture-mapped image appeared on the monitor and underwent rotation against a background rendered in the same texture-mapped image. Texture density also varied as part of control. Wooden objects constructed in the same proportion were used as response stimuli. In the visual task, participants identified the matching wooden object as the one depicted graphically by pointing to it. In the tactile task, they identified the matching object after probing each response stimulus using only one hand. Because the displays were lateralized such that each stimulus object was presented in either the left or right visual field, the tactile task served to examine the interhemispheric interaction. The results of the visual task showed that patients with AD performed poorly in comparison to individuals in other groups. By contrast, the older adults and patients with AD both performed poorly on the tactile task, with the performance of the AD group deteriorating even further. The finding of poor performance on the visual task is consistent with the findings of similar studies demonstrating that AD affects several aspects of vision. The present results extended these results further to suggest that movement perception is impaired in AD. The equally poor performance on the tactile task investigating the intra and interhemispheric conditions indicates that there is no disproportionate impairment of cortical connectivity in AD, at least in the domain of visual processing. The results of this study demonstrate the need for a more comprehensive diagnostic measure of AD that encompasses a broader spectrum of visual functions than that examined by the measure currently available.
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