E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and analyze the various predictors of depressive disorder in women with breast cancer on the basis of biopsychosocial model. A total of 128 breast cancer patients were recruited, and they were assessed on the basis of cancer-related variables, sociodemopraphic variables, symptoms of depression, cancer-related somatic symptoms, and psychosocial variables (optimism, self esteem, husband support). The results showed that 31% of the patients exhibited a high level of depressive symptoms, and 14% of the patients were classified as having depressive disorder. The 4-step hierarchical binary logistic regression analysis was significant, and the rate of correct prediction was 94.9%. Before entering the psychosocial variables, none of the cancer-related variables, sociodemographic variables or cancer-related somatic symptoms was significant. The high risk of depressive disorder in breast cancer patients was associated with a personality trait. The results supported that depressive symptomatology in breast cancer patients is not associated with objective variables, but rather that it is very strongly linked with psychological variables. Finally, the implications for the identification of and psychosocial intervention for depressive disorder in breast cancer patients were discussed.
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