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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study focused attention on anger rumination that could be important part of sustaining and augmenting anger. Specially it is difficult for adolescents to control anger, so we propose that anger rumination may be responsible for the mechanism to maintenance of anger. Grounded on translations of Anger Rumination Scale (Sukhodolsky et al; 2001), we investigated factorial equivalence between the original Anger Rumination Scale and the Korean Anger Rumination Scale for adolescents. To confirm about the reliability and validity of this Scale, a total of 515 adolescents (263 boys and 252 girls) completed the Anger Rumination Scale, STAXI-K, Novaco Anger Scale, Aggression Questionnaire, Trait Meta-Mood Scale, Revised Life Orientation Test, and Social Desirability Scale. Factor Analysis of the scale results revealed a three-factor structure (AngryAfterthoughts, Understanding of Causes, Thoughts of Revenge), which differed from those reported in a previous study of the original scale. For adolescents in Korea, the Anger Rumination Scale and its subscales showed good internal consistency. We found the Anger Rumination Scale's convergent and discrimination validities via measures of anger and aggression, emotional regulation, optimism, and social desirability. The overall results suggested that the current Anger Rumination Scale is reliable and valid for the assessment of anger rumination of adolescents in Korea. Finally we discuss the implication and limitation of this study along with some suggestions for the future studies.
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