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This study explored the relationship between psychological characteristics and behavioral problems, to contribute to current knowledge of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy for children with various behavioral problems. We devided 54 children, who were psychiatric outpatients with emotional or behavioral problems(but excluding Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Mental Retardation), into 3 groups(internalizing problems, externalizing problems, mixed problems) using the Korean child behavioral checklist(K-CBCL). Our research investigated two questions; First, Would there be any significant Rorschach responses differences, in accord with Exner’s A comprehensive system(1993) among the three groups? Second, Would the children's Rorschach responses show any significant relationship to low- ranking scales of the K-CBCL? We analyzed the data by means of Chi-square test, ANOVA, Tukey test, ANCOVA, Helmett contrasts, and stepwise multiple regression analysis, correlated via SPSS 12.0 program. The three groups' common significant characteristics were ‘higher Lambda values’, ‘D score< 0’, ‘lower Afr values’, and ‘CDI> 3.5’. The Mixed and Internalizing groups had lower energy levels, and more rigid thinking than the Externalizing group did. The Mixed group showed a significantly higher inclination to absorb inner thought activity than the Externalizing group did. The Mixed group also had higher X+%, than other groups did and was more likely to have D>Adj D. The Internalizing group was more likely to show ‘Mor(Morbid response)’ than other groups were, so this group was the most self-critical, most extremely damaged, and had the lowest aggressive movement content. The Externalizing group had a significantly greater inclination to change personalities to fulfill desires, They externalized their inner hostility and expressed their aggression. The External group's number of Form Qualities responses that were minus or unusual was higher than in the other groups, so they had a greater inclination to perceive unusually and impulsively. Finally, We discuss the implications and limitations of the study and suggest future research.
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