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Cognitive-behavioral models propose that fear of negative evaluation is the core feature of social anxiety disorder. However, it may be that fear of evaluation in general is important in social anxiety, including fears of positive as well as negative evaluation. The FPES (The Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale) was developed to test this hypothesis. The study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Korean version of the FPES (K-FPES) and to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. In Study 1, the results of an exploratory factor analysis of a sample of controls (n=136) showed a single-factor structure. In Study 2, we evaluated the model using confirmatory factor analysis on a sample composed of the undergraduates (n=222). Finally, we examined the instrument's reliability and construct validity. In Study 3, the K-FPES showed good diagnostic accuracy, as assessed through ROC analyses (AUC= .80). We discuss the K-FPES's implications regarding the study and treatment of social anxiety disorder.
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