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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to validate a cognitive-behavioral approach for resolving marital problems through the use of real life cases of marital conflicts. The marital problems of one couple were assessed using cognitive-behavioral scales. We examined how the vicious circle of marital conflict was maintained throughout the marriage. Using cognitive-behavioral scales, this couple exhibited a very high frequency of major life events as compared to a control sample of normal married couples. Further, they disagreed considerably with respect to their marital beliefs. In particular, the wife's perceptions of marriage were highly negative. In addition, this couple scored very high regarding the negative feelings about their marriage. As compared to normal married couples, this couple displayed a slightly higher number of negative behaviors and much fewer positive behaviors. These results suggest that using a cognitive-behavioral model has explanatory power with respect to marital problems. The implications and limitations of this study have been discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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