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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The first purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of the Korean-Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count(K-LIWC), a computer text analysis program, as a psychotherapy process analytical tool by analyzing both the verbatim of 22 cases of psychotherapy which used the K-LIWC as well as the clients’ levels of insight and emotional expression. The K-LIWC examined changes in the quantity related to word level which was compared with scales measuring levels of insight and emotional expression. The second purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychotherapy based on changes in word quantity of the verbatim of 22 cases of psychotherapy which used the K-LIWC. The K-LIWC examined changes in word quantity of protocol extracted from early, middle, late part of psychotherapy in relation with Emotional processes, Cognitive processes, Physical states and functions, etc. of therapist and client. Results of this study were as follows: Positive emotions were increased significantly, while negative emotions and body states and symptoms decreased. Further, the amount of Certainty in the Cognitive processes of words increased significantly. It could be inferred that positive emotions and confidence increased owing to the expression of suppressed feelings seems to reflect the positive effect of psychotherapy. The limitations of this study and objectives of further study were also discussed.
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