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This study was designed to examine whether delinquent adolescents exhibited deficits in recognition and proper identification of emotions in facial expressions. Thirty-three adolescents, aged 15-18 years, under probation for delinquent behaviors and 37 adolescents, aged 16-18 years, from a high school in Seoul were recruited to participate in the study. They were presented with a sequence of photographs depicting facial expressions of happiness, fearfulness, sadness, and anger, which were morphed from a neutral expression to a fully emotive expression at 2% intervals. The subjects were asked to indicate the frame in the sequence of pictures which showed emotion as well as to identify the emotion illustrated. The results demonstrated that the threshold for the correct identification of a happy facial expression was significantly higher than the other emotions and that the corresponding threshold for an angry facial expression was significantly lower than the others. Further, threshold for the correct identification of happy, fearful, and sad facial expression was significantly higher in the delinquent group as compared to the non-delinquent group. However, no significant group differences were found regarding the threshold for the identification of angry facial expressions. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with the suggestions for future research.
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