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The aims of this study were to examine the relationships among mindfulness, trait anger and irrational beliefs and to determine the relative contributions of sub-factors of mindfulness to trait anger and irrational beliefs. In addition, we investigated whether mindfulness uniquely contributed to trait anger after controlling for irrational beliefs. We asked 297 college students to complete questionnaires including the Mindfulness Scale(Park, 2005), Irrational Belief Test(Jones, 1969) and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-Korean version(STAXI-K). The results were as follows; The correlation analysis showed statistically significant negative correlations between mindfulness and trait anger, and between mindfulness and irrational beliefs. Simultaneous multiple regression analyses demonstrated that concentration, non-judgmental acceptance, and de-centered attention exhibited a significantly negative contribution to trait anger, and that de-centered attention exhibited a negatively contribution to overall irrational beliefs. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that mindfulness uniquely contributed to trait anger after controlling for irrational beliefs. Finally, we discussed the implications and limitations of this study and provided suggestions for future studies.
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