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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of borderline personality trait and maladaptive perfectionism on suicide ideation through depression as mediator variable, as well as the degree to which suicide-related risk factors discriminate suicide attempts. A total of 709 undergraduate students completed a questionnaire related to borderline personality traits, maladaptive perfectionism, depression, and suicide ideation. In addition, a hierarchical multiple discriminant analysis was conducted to examine the relative contribution of suicide-related risk factors on attempted suicide. The results were as follow: First, the Alternative Model 1 exhibit the highest simplicity and best fitness model among theoretical model and alternative models. This model suggested that borderline personality traits have an indirectly positive effect on suicide ideation through depression; however they don't have any effect when the depression is controlled. Maladaptive perfectionism also had an indirectly positive effect on suicide ideation mediated by depression. However, rather than having no effect, it had a negative effect on suicide ideation when depression was controlled. Second, in a hierarchical multiple discriminant analysis, the suicide attempt group was discriminated in order of suicide ideation, depression, and borderline personality traits. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with the suggestions for subsequent research.
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