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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) is a complex psychological illness. For many years, little attention has been paid to childhood and adolescence borderline pathology, because the mental health professionals have viewed personality as lacking in cohesiveness and durability prior to the age of 18. Recently, however, a growing number of researchers have suggested that BPD is recognizable in adolescence. This study reviewed the characteristics of an adolescent BPD. To achieve this, the characteristics of BPD and psychopathic behavior related to 410 misdeed juveniles were compared with a consideration of the developmental characteristics of these juveniles. In subjects where borderline personality was confirmed, self-injury was confirmed that an association with variables such as self-injury and depression, emotional avoidance thinking, experience of anger, norm violation, negative emotion intensity, and suppression of emotional expression was able to clearly explain the development of borderline personality in these juveniles. Alternatively cases of psychopathic individuals, we confirmed that an association with variables such as belief in emotional control and self-injury, experience of anger, negative self-concept with regard both to personality, social aspects, physical neglect, expression of anger, low positive emotion, and anxiety were able to clearly explain the development of this condition. Despite exhibiting the same sorts of delinquent behaviors, the variables responsible for the development of BPD and psychopathic behavior are different. These results imply that prevention and treatment intervention strategies for juvenile delinquents are required according to personality characteristics.
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