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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the gender difference of the mediation effect of ego-resilience in the relationship between parental overprotection and depression. Two hundred thirty three undergraduate students participated in this study and they completed the questionnaires on parental overprotection, ego-resilience, and depression. The results were as follows: (1) female students reported significantly higher levels of parental overprotection, adhesive control, projective overprotection, and depression than males. (2) For males, parental overprotection was significantly associated with the levels of ego-resilience and depression, and there was also a significant association between ego-resilience and depression. On the other hand, for females, ego-resilience was significantly associated with the level of depression, but parental overprotection was not significantly associated with ego-resilience or depression. (3) In the male group, the relation between parental overprotection and depression was mediated by ego-resilience. We also discussed the implications and limitations of this study.
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