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This study was conducted to examine the influence of responsibility, memory confidence, and maladaptive perfectionism on obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Four hundred fifteen college students (223 male students (53.7%) and 192 female students (46.3%)) from Jinju, Busan, Cheongju, and Masan participated in this study. Their average age was 21.5. To measure the variables of this study, we used the Obsessive Belief Questionnaire-Responsibility (OBQ-R), the Multidimensional Perfectional Scale (FMPS), the Memory and Cognitive Confidence Scale (MACCS), and the Padua Inventory (PI). The following summarizes the results of the analysis using structural equation modeling. It was verified that responsibility, memory confidence, and maladaptive perfectionism have a significant influence on obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Responsibility and memory confidence influenced the obsessive-compulsive symptoms with maladaptive perfectionism as a mediator. This finding indicated that maladaptive perfectionism is a critical variable for the generation and continuation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The meaning and limitations of this study were also discussed.
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