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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between adolescents' cellular phone use motivation, peer relationships, emotional factors and cellular phone addictive use. Participants were 705 middle school and high school students. First, the participants were classified as cellular phone addictive use high-risk groups and low-risk groups, and then the variables related to the difference between the two groups were examined through an independent samples t-test. The results showed significant differences between groups in all variables. Second, multiple regression analysis was conducted in the cellular phone addictive use high-risk groups in order to investigate what best describes cellular phone addictive use. Results indicated that the factor that best described cellular phone addictive use was motivation to alleviate boredom. Third, based on previous studies, partial and full dual mediation models were proposed, in which loneliness and depression would sequentially mediate the relationship between peer relationships and cellular phone addictive use. In order to compare two mediation models and alternative models, path analysis was used. The path analysis revealed that the full dual mediation model fit the data well. Implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies were discussed.
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