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The purposes of this study were to prove the validity of the integrated model of insomnia including cognitive process and stress, and to examine the mediating effects of thought suppression on the relationships of stress, dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep, cognitive arousal and insomnia. The study included 423 subjects from the general population aged 20-59(males=183, females=240). For this study, DBAS- 16(Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep Scale-16), DHS-Revised(The Daily Hassle Scale-Revised Version), WBSI(White Bear Suppression Inventory), PSAS(Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale), and ISI(Insomnia Severity Index) were carried out. The data were statistically analyzed using structural equation modeling(SEM). The results of the study validated the integrated model of insomnia including stress and cognitive process. This study also showed that thought suppression had a significant role in the cognitive process contributing to insomnia. The specific results of the study were as follows. The mediating effect of thought suppression was significant on 1) the path from stress to insomnia via cognitive arousal, and 2) the path from dysfunctional beliefs about sleep to insomnia via cognitive arousal.
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