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This study aimed to address the controversy of whether or not the CPGI(Canadian Problem Gambling Index), which was developed to discriminate those in the general population with a gambling problem, accomplishes its stated purpose. The first controversy is that the items of the CPGI are not much different from existing scales, which are intended to discriminate people who have severe gambling problem. The second controversy is that the items of the CPGI are not appropriate for those people who have a less severe gambling problem or minor gambling problem. Quantitative evaluation through multi-level and multi-group analysis demonstrated configural invariance, metric invariance, scalar invariance, and invariance of factor variances. However, the factor variances of the low-level groups were less than .100 which is much smaller than the value (between .569 and .665) observed in the high-level groups. The distribution of scores seemed to be positively skewed with an apparent floor effect. When cross-level analyses were performed, metric invariance hardly held. Several items satisfying metric invariance did not show scalar invariance. Thus, CPGI is not appropriate to use for high and low level groups since most items of the CPGI showed differential functioning across the two groups. The strengths and weaknesses of the study as well as future research directions are discussed.
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