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Effects of Social Exclusion on Emotional Well-Being and Depression, and Analysis of Moderating Effect of Pro-Social Experience


Social exclusion has been recognized as a significant problem because of its negative influence on physical and psychosocial well-being. In this study, we had investigated that degree of social exclusion and their effects on emotional well-being and depressive mood in neurotic outpatients compared with general adults, and moderating effect of pro-social experience in two groups. Data were obtained from 62 neurotic outpatients who were diagnosed neurosis including anxiety disorder, depressive spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder by two psychiatrists except psychotic and personality disorder group and 67 general control people who was matched gender and age. In our study results, social exclusion of neurotic patients was significantly higher and prosocial experience of neurotic patients was lower compared with the control group, Among social exclusion, whereas effect of bullying exclusion was small or not-significant, insult exclusion was factor that decreases life-satisfaction and induces depressive symptom. Isolation exclusion was significant effect on increasing depressive mood and decreasing sense of emotional well-being in both groups expect bullying exclusion. Also, their impact was higher in the neurosis than normal control and especially isolation pattern of exclusion had a great impact on depressive symptoms and emotional well-being in neurotic group. However, moderate effect of pro-social support experience wasn't significant to alleviate effect of social exclusion on depression and emotional well-being. Finally, meaning, suggestion and limitation of this studies were discussed.

사회적 배척, 친사회적 수용, 우울, 정서적 안녕감, social exclusion, pro-social experience. depression, emotional well-being



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