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The aims of this study were to investigate factors that predict trauma-related symptoms and mental health among women acquitted from prostitution. The subjects were 120 women who previously worked as sex workers. Women in various rehabilitation agencies in metro-regions such as Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Pusan, Yeosu, Incheon, and Jeonju participated in this questionnaire study. The questionnaire was composed of scales measuring socio-demographic factors, age at the start of prostitution, time period of sexual work in brothels, degree of human rights abuses, stress level, active coping strategy, passive coping strategy, positive social support, degree of trauma-related symptoms, and the SCL-90-R. The results showed that the levels trauma-related symptoms and mental health were not affected by socio-demographic factors such as marital status, education, current job type, or current monthly income. The women acquitted from prostitution were found to have experienced forced unwanted prostitution, verbal violence, and forced prostitution during menstruation most frequently. It was shown that degrees of human rights abuses, stress level, passive coping strategy, trauma-related symptoms, and mental health were positively related. The significant predicting factors of trauma-related symptoms were the degree of human rights abuses and passive coping strategy, and the significant predicting factors for mental health were stress level and passive coping strategy. Meanwhile, passive coping strategy had a mediating effect on the relationship between degree of human rights and mental health.
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