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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of present study was to examine the attentional bias for threat stimuli in high-trait anxious individuals after watching an emotionally arousing film using an eye-tracker on the basis of the vigilance- avoidance hypothesis in order to investigate cognitive attentional-processing in anxiety. For this, 29 female university students (14 high-trait anxious and 15 low-trait anxious participants) watched an emotionally arousing film, which included a traumatic scene of a fire accident, and then were presented with threatening and neutral pictorial stimuli for measurement of attentional bias using an eye-tracker. Results indicated that, in comparison with low-trait anxious participants, high-trait anxious individuals detected threat stimuli automatically faster at an initial orienting fixation, but they showed shorter dwelling time on the threat compared to neutral stimuli at sustained attention over time. These findings indicate that high-trait anxious individuals after experiencing a traumatic event may use an automatic attentional bias which is characterized by higher vigilance of the threat for a shorter exposure duration, and strategic mechanism, which is characterized by avoidance of the threat for a longer duration.
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