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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the profiles of K-CBCL and MMPI-A in adolescents with internalizing or externalizing disorders. Parents of adolescents with internalizing disorders(n=34) and those with externalizing disorders(n=29) completed the Korean Child Behavior Checklist(K-CBCL). Adolescents in both groups completed the Korean MMPI-A. The subscales of K-CBCL well reflected the behavioral problems of each group. In the MMPI-A profiles, the internalizing disorders group showed elevated scores on F, Hs, D, Hy, Pd Pa, Pt, Sc, and Si. Moreover, in all subscales of MMPI-A except L and K, they showed higher scores than the externalizing disorders group, and the difference in some scales was statistically significant. Any subscales of MMPI-A was not elevated over 60T score in the profiles of the externalizing disorders group. MMPI-A profiles showed the emotional and psychological characteristics of adolescents with internalizing disorders but did not reflect well those of adolescents with externalizing disorders. It could be attributed to the personality characteristics of adolescents with externalizing disorders. Further studies need to recruit participants with more specific diagnosis. The results of the logistic regression analyses revealed that Pt scale was especially important in discriminating between the two groups. According to the pearson correlation analysis, some subscales of K-CBCL and those of MMPI-A showed mild correlation. Lastly, the limitations of this study and suggestions for further research are discussed.
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