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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to investigate measurement equivalence between CPGI(Canadian Problem Gambling Index) and KCPGI, and to link scores of the two scales. To do so, we conducted multiple group analysis with CPGI data(Canadian data) and KCPGI data(Korean data) for total group, male group, and female group. Specifically, we tested configural invariance, metric invariance, scalar invariance, invariance of factor variances, and factor mean differences. We used data from 2,089 Canadians and 882 Koreans. The results are as follows. At first, configural invariance was supported. Metric invariance and scalar invariance were partially supported. However, factor variances were statistically different, although the difference was not practically large. Factor mean comparison showed that Koreans were higher than Canadians. The results of male and female groups were similar to those of the total group, although there was a little difference in the female group. Finally, we attempted linking scores between CPGI and KCPGI. As a result we could provide a conversion table between the two scale scores. Lastly, we discussed the implications and the limitations of this study.
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