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The Influence of Posttraumatic Growth following Relational Loss on Character Maturation and Mental health


The aim of the present study was to explore the influence of posttraumatic growth(PTG) following relational loss on character maturation and mental health. For this purpose, the PTG levels of people who experienced severe relational loss were examined, and then the effects of PTG on maturation of characters proposed by Cloninger(1987) as well as mental health such as happiness and depression were investigated. Furthermore, the mediating path of character maturation on PTG influencing on happiness was examined. The results showed that PTG was positively correlated with all three dimensions and maturation of characters, which was most closely related to the “personal strength” factor of PTG. We also found that PTG was significantly related to higher happiness and lower depression, and specifically ‘relating to others’, ‘personal strength’ and ‘appreciation of life’ factor significantly predicted happiness. Furthermore, maturation of characters partially mediated the relationship between PTG and happiness. Based on these results, the meaning of the study regarding positive changes or growth following relational loss was discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research.

posttraumatic growth, loss, character maturation, mental health, 관계상실, 역경후 성장, 성격적 성숙, 정신건강



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