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Deficit of time perception in ADHD children


This study investigated time perception in ADHD children. Twenty-seven ADHD children and twenty-five controls participated, and four tasks were administered to both groups, as follows: 1) A computerized time reproduction task (intervals of 3, 8, 13, 18, and 25 seconds, with or without distraction) to estimate time perception accuracy. 2) Neurocognitive ability tasks 3) A questionnaire for the parents to rate the time- oriented behavior of their children, including preparation and planning ahead for deadlines. 4) A questionnaire for the children to answer, which was to measure their time notion, including time orientation, sequence of time, ability to estimate duration of their daily activities, and ability to look back on their past or to anticipate their future. As the results of using 2(group)×2(distraction)×5(intervals) factorial design ANOVA, distraction effect was not different between the two groups. However, as intervals became longer, ADHD children became less accurate in time perception compared to controls. Time notion was not different between the two groups. However, time perception accuracy was related to their ability to estimate the duration of daily activities, as well as their ability to look back on their past or to anticipate their future. And ADHD children showed more difficulty in time-oriented behavior. These results indicates that temporal span in ADHD children is shorter than controls, which means they are temporal myopic. Deficit of time perception in ADHD children makes them have difficulty in preparing and planning ahead. The time perception accuracy is related to executive functions(divided attention, inhibition), working memory, and sustained attention. Time perception is not automatic process, but requires cognitive effort.

ADHD, time perception, time reproduction, temporal myopia, ADHD, 시간 지각, 시간 재산출, 근시안적 시간 개념



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