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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of multiple interpersonal traumas on psychological maladjustments in sexually abused children. With 275 sexually abused children(ages 4-13), we assessed contributions of cumulative of interpersonal traumas other than the current alleged sexual abuse(witnessing or victim of violent crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, witness of domestic violence, confronted with traumatic news) on symptoms of PTSD, internalizing/externalizing behavior problems, sexual behaviors. We found a significant contribution of multiple interpersonal traumas on internalizing/externalizing behavior problems and sexual behaviors in a hierarchial regression analysis where demographic variables(age, sex), environment factor(family income, family structure), sexual abuse characteristics(severity of abuse, duration of abuse, relationship with perpetrator), and post-incident factors(disclosure, delay in help) were considered together. However, the effect of multiple interpersonal trauma experiences on PTSD symptoms was not significant. The result of this study indicate that experiences of multiple traumas must be considered when understanding psychological maladjustment following child sexual abuse. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future research discussed.
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