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The purpose of current study was to examine the effects of evaluative conditioning (EC) on changing explicit and implicit attitudes toward alcohol in drinkers. Participants included of 18 heavy drinkers and 13 light drinkers, based on the Korean-language version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-K) and alcohol consumption. All participants were subjected to an EC, which consistently pairs alcohol-related stimuli with negative stimuli. In addition, assessment of explicit and implicit attitudes toward alcohol was performed using self-report questionnaires and the approach-avoidance alcohol Implicit Association Test (approach-avoidance alcohol IAT). According to the results, heavy drinkers showed higher scores on explicit alcohol cravings and a more implicit approach tendency toward alcohol-related stimuli than light drinkers. In addition, use of the EC resulted in successful reduction of explicit craving and implicit approach action tendency in both groups. The findings of the current study supported the effectiveness of the EC task in changing motivational and implicit attitudes toward alcohol, which is an important mechanism in alcohol abuse and relapse. Furthermore, based on the results for implicit attitudes, it can supplement the limits of socially desirability and intended bias, which are characteristics of explicit results.
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