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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of the current study was to investigate the psychological mechanism of the risk and protecting factors related to suicidal ideation. A total of 401 university students participated in the current study. First, the question of whether external entrapment and negative affect have a significant influence on suicidal ideation, and whether negative affect mediates the relationship between external entrapment and suicidal ideation was examined. In addition, the question of whether the mediating effect of negative affect in relation to external entrapment and suicidal ideation is moderated by emotion coping resilience was investigated. According to the results, negative affect partially mediated the relationship between external entrapment and suicidal ideation, indicating that external entrapment not only has an indirect effect on suicidal ideation through negative affect, but also has a direct influence on suicidal ideation. In addition, such a mediating effect of negative affect appeared to be moderated by emotion coping resilience. In particular, university students with higher levels of emotion coping resilience, compared to those with lower levels, were more likely to be protected from being susceptible to suicidal ideation, even if both groups suffer from similar levels of negative affect. These results suggest that negative affect (e.g., depression, anxiety), which is well known as a significant risk factor of suicidal ideation, buffers against its pernicious impact on suicidal ideation in university students. Limitations and implications of the current study were discussed.
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