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This study was conducted in order to examine the relationships among stress, mindfulness, anger rumination, and dysfunctional anger. Based on findings from previous studies, partial and full dual mediation models were proposed, in which mindfulness and anger rumination would sequentially mediate the relationship between stress and dysfunctional anger. We asked 424 college students to complete questionnaires, which included the Daily Hassles Scale, Mindfulness Scale, K-Anger Rumination Scale (K-ARS), and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-Korean version(STAXI-K). The results were as follows. According to the structural equation modeling (SEM), a partial dual mediation model fit the data well. These findings suggest that mindfulness and anger rumination sequentially mediate the relationship between stress and dysfunctional anger, and that stress has direct influence on dysfunctional anger. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study were discussed.
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