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The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of Psychodrama on dysfunctional beliefs, fear of negative evaluation, emotion regulation, and depression in a social phobia-prone group. In G city, 76 participants confirmed as having social phobia or who had experience symptom of social phobia were recruited through advertisements posted on the internet and billboards. We then selected 51 participants with social phobia bias using the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale; only the 20 participants who met the criteria through interviews were included in the study and 10 participants each were randomly assigned to the control group and the psychodrama group. Because one participant from the psychodrama and one participant from the control group droped out, a total of 18 participants participated throughout the study. The psychodrama program was administered for two days with four sessions per day. Pre, post, and three-month follow-up tests were performed against all participants using the Short Version of the Dysfunctional Beliefs Test, Fear of Negative Evaluation-Brief, The Korean Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory. The results of this study were as follows: dysfunctional beliefs, fear of negative evaluation, difficulties in emotion regulation, and depression of the therapy group showed a greater decrease compared with the control group. Finally, the implications and the limitations of this study, and suggestions for future study were also discussed.
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