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The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of self-presentation motivation, self-presentation expectancy, and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on the relationship between internalized shame and social anxiety. A total of 427 college students completed The Internalized Shame Scale, Self-Presentation Motivation Scale, Self-Presentation Expectancy Scale, Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire, and Social Avoidance and Distress Scale. Baron and Kenny's method(1986) and Structural Equation Modeling were used for testing of each mediating effect. Because high self-presentation motivation and low self-presentation expectancy co-occur to trigger social anxiety, the difference in score between the two variables was analyzed as one mediator. The results showed both the difference between self-presentation motivation and self-presentation expectancy and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness had significant mediating effects. However, we modified the model because of unfitness of the previous suggesting model, which includes all mediators. This study found not only that the relationship between internalized shame and social anxiety was mediated in part by self-presentation motivation, self-presentation expectancy, and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, but the conflict of self-presentation influenced ambivalence over emotional expressiveness.
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