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The aim of this study is to understand the dream experiences of schizophrenia patients. The Typical Dreams Questionnaire (TDQ), the Dream Intensity Inventory (DII), and the Inventory of Dream Experience & Attitudes (IDEA) were implemented in two groups: One group included 46 normal people, and the other group included 46 schizophrenics. We compared the dream experiences of the two groups and investigated the relationship between various symptoms of schizophrenia and their dream experience. The results showed the followings. In terms of typical dream themes, the schizophrenia group more often experienced the categories of dreams related to epiphany, beasts, and persecutory ideas, compared with the normal group. Regarding the dream intensity, the schizophrenia group showed more altered dream episodes than the normal group. Regarding attitudes toward dreams, the schizophrenia group showed higher scores in dream significance, dream apprehension, and dream entertainment. In addition, hallucination of the schizophrenia group was found to be related to all factors of dream intensity. The implications of these results along with the significances and limitations of the research were discussed.
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