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Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), a clinician-administered measure of social anxiety and avoidance, was originally developed with separate subscales for assessment of fear and avoidance of situations involving social interaction and performance/observation by others. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of a Korean Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale: Clinician Administered (K-LSAS-CA) and to demonstrate its diagnostic efficacy. The result of an exploratory factor analysis of a sample consisting of 28 social phobic patients and 98 healthy adults showed a four-factor structure for each : (1) public speaking, (2) social interaction with strangers, (3) assertiveness, and (4) public interaction. We performd ROC analysis in order to examined the reliability and construct validity of the instrument and for assessment of diagnostic efficacy. In comparision of K-LSAS-CA and K-LSAS-SR (self-report version) in the group of 98 healthy adults, the total score for K-LSAS-SR was significantly higher than that of the patients group. Finally, we discussed implications of the LSAS-CA with regard to the study and treatment of social anxiety disorder.
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