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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of executive functions on the relationships between adolescents’ symptoms of ADHD and quality of peer relationships. Subjects included 450 middle school students, 197 boys and 253 girls in Seoul, who were assessed using the ADHD Rating Scale, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions, and Quality of Peer Relationship Scale. SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used for analysis of data. The results were as follows: First, shift, monitor and task completion, which were sub-factors of executive functions, had significant effects on total score for quality of peer relationships. In addition, plan/organize, organization of materials, and task completion had effects on the positive sub-factor of quality of peer relationships, and inhibit, shift, and emotion control had significant effects on negative sub-factors. Second, total score for executive functions perfectly mediated the way in which ADHD symptoms effect the quality of peer relationships. Therefore, adolescents could have peer relational difficulties resulting from defects of executive functions, not just by primary ADHD symptoms. Findings of this study confirmed that executive functions had mediating effects on relationships between adolescents’ symptoms of ADHD and quality of peer relationships.
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