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The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of temperament, character, coping style, and the mediating effects of character and coping style on depression. Data were collected from psychiatric patients who were diagnosed as Major depressive disorder without psychotic features, Dysthymic disorder, and Depressive disorder, NOS. We excluded some cases for several reasons(patients who were also diagnosed as Psychosis, Mental retardation, Dementia and Other cognitive disorder caused by brain damage, and loss of data);, a total of 142 cases(male 76, female 66) were analyzed. The results indicated a significant association of harm avoidance and novelty seeking in temperament, self-directedness in character, and problem-solving in coping style with depression. Results of structural equation modeling showed that harm avoidance and novelty seeking were mediated by self-directedness and problem-solving on depression, in order, meanings that the effects of harm avoidance and novelty seeking were completely mediated through self-directedness, and the effects of self-directedness were mediated in part by problem-solving. The findings of this study suggest that high harm avoidance, low novelty seeking, self-directedness, and problem-solving are risk factors for depression, and the effects of temperament on depression may depend on the character, like self-directedness and the coping style associated with the character. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for future research.
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