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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of the current study was to investigate the mediational effects of basic psychological needs between anger coping behaviors and subjective well-being. Anger coping behaviors were classified according to five types (Rational coping, Aggressive expression, Avoidance, Emotional resolution, and Distraction). Subjective well-being was assessed using the Satisfaction with life and the Positive/Negative affect. A total of 387 undergraduates were recruited for this study. Rational coping and Avoidance in anger coping behaviors showed stastistically significant correlation with both satisfaction of basic psychological needs and subjective well-being. On the basis of these results, two mediation models(Rational coping/ Avoidance→satisfaction of basic psychological needs→subjective well-being)were proposed. According to the results, two models showed satisfactory fits to data, and mediation effect of basic psychological needs between Rational coping/Avoidance and subjective well-being was statistically significant. Satisfaction of basic psychological needs fully mediated the association between Rational coping/Avoidance and subjective well-being. These results suggest that Rational coping/Avoidance in anger coping behaviors is important for enhancement of subjective well-being and that these coping behaviors enhance subjective well-being through satisfaction of basic psychological needs.
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