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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current study was aimed at development of a multidimensional self-report inventory of psychological symptoms of North Korean adolescent refugees: the Psychological State Inventory for North Korean Adolescent Refugees(PSI-NKR-A). After review of previous studies, we derived 11 subscales and 118 preliminary items: five Internalization Scales(Depression, Somatization, Anxiety, Interpersonal Sensitivity, and Post-Traumatic Stress), two Externalization Scales(Anger and Conduct Problem), and four Supplementary Scales(Psychosis, Low Self-Esteem, Academic Stress, and Family problems). We administered the 118 preliminary items to 186 North Korean adolescent refugees and examined correlation of the items with some criterion scales and the corrected item-total correlations, resulting in a final version of the PSI-NKR-A, comprising 98 items and 11 subscales. We then administered the final version of the PSI-NKR-A to 190 North Korean adolescent refugees in order to assess its internal consistency reliability. Of the original participants, 86 subjects participated in the retest study. Results of analyses showed that the PSI-NKR-A had high internal consistency reliability, corrected item-total correlations, test-retest reliability. Finally, applications of the PSI-NKR-A and suggestions for further research were discussed.
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