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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of this study is to investigate differential inhibitory functions related to emotional regulation in young adults with borderline personality traits as compared to control subjects, and to investigate relations among emotional hyper-reactivity, difficulties in emotional regulation, and performance in neuropsychological tasks measuring inhibitory functions related to emotional regulation. A BPD tendencies group (n=27) and control group (n=32) was selected among 380 undergraduate students based on scores on the Personality Assessment Inventory - Borderline Features Scale(PAI-BOR). The BPD tendencies group were compared with the control group in the following tasks using emotional stimuli (negative, neutral, and positive): the emotional Stroop test (inhibition of interference), the negative priming task (automatic, rapid, and resource-independent inhibition), and the directed forgetting task (intentional, slow, and resource-dependent inhibition). In comparison with the control group, the BPD tendencies group showed reduced inhibition of negative material in all tasks, while no significant differences were observed in performance of neutral and positive material in all tasks. In the BPD tendencies group, significant correlations were observed between reaction time to negative stimuli in the negative priming task and emotional hyper-reactivity scale scores as well as the difficulties in emotional regulation sale scores. Significant correlation was also observed between reaction time to positive stimuli in the negative priming task and emotional hyper-reactivity scale scores. The results of this study suggest that individuals with borderline personality traits have difficulties in actively suppressing information when it causes negative emotion. Inhibitory dysfunction, which is found in individuals with borderline personality traits, appears to show a closely association with emotional hyper-reactivity and difficulties in emotional regulation
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