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To investigate cognitive and emotional appreciation of humor among schizotypal undergraduates on schizophrenia spectrum from various angles, the current study examines not only executive functions and theory of mind, but also Martin’s integrative approach as well. In this study, SPQ-K was given to 643 university students, and the screening method employed in previous studies(top 10% as the high tendency group, bottom 10% as the low tendency group). A total of 70(high/low=40/30) participants were examined for their neurocognitive ability, theory of mind, social context comprehension, emotional intelligence, and performance of humor appreciation task(cognitive/emotional/general). According to the results, the high tendency group showed a difference in overall understanding during performance of general humor tasks. The results clearly show that they scored lower on tasks that require integration of cognitive and emotional aspects in humor appreciation. Second, perseveration, inference ability of character's thoughts and intentions, and social context comprehension ability were shown as the factors that explain poor understanding of humor in the high tendency group. This paper implies that their difficulties in complex social situations can be explained by cognitive and emotional characteristics of individuals with schizotypal trait which is complicated relation to neurocognitive and social cognitive factors.
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