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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to examine and elaborate the meaning reconstruction process leading to posttraumatic growth(PTG) following relational loss. This study explored cognitive processing strategies and belief systems affecting growth after relational loss. Data were collected from 205 adults who had experienced a severe relational loss. The results showed that processing of positive reappraisal, refocusing on planning, and positive refocusing(adaptive strategies) with regard to the loss events significantly predicted PTG level, and this predictability was more powerful than emotional expression. PTG was found to show a significant association with strong positive basic assumptions toward the world and self as well as weak dysfunctional beliefs. In addition, the group with loss experiences and high PTG scores had more positive and rational belief systems than the group without severe adversities. Based on the overall findings, the meaning and clinical implications of the current study regarding the meaning reconstruction process leading to PTG were discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research
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