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This study attempted to determine whether there are gender differences in attention performance and temperament in adolescents, and, if so, which gender differences exist. Method: Sixty nine high-school students (28 boys, 41 girls) were assessed, using FACT-Ⅱ for attention performance and TCI-RS for temperament. Results: The participants did not show gender differences in all attention dimensions (i.e., concentration speed, concentration accuracy, and concentration homogeneity). In the temperament dimensions, female adolescents showed significantly higher temperament traits in reward-dependence and persistence. Regarding the relations between attention performance and temperament, only the male adolescents showed a significant positive relation between concentration accuracy and persistence. Discussion: The results of this study suggest a relation between attention performance and temperament only in male adolescents and that more research to determine the overlap between the constructs of attention and temperament should follow
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