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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised-Short Form(SPSI-R-SF). At the first stage, university students(N=339) were instructed to complete SPSI-R-SF(25 items), and 24 items from five indicator variables were finally selected for the study after confirmatory factory analysis as the reliability of the SPSI-R-SF(24items) was confirmed to be excellent. At the second stage, another group of university students(N=284) was included for completion of the SPSI-R-SF, PSI, life of satisfaction and CES-D. From these 2 stages of analyses, the results showed that five factories could be derived from the SPSI-R-SF, second, the SPSI-R-SF was found to show correlation with PSI, and finally, the SPSI-R-SF showed correlation with problems such as depression and life of satisfaction. Collectively, these results suggest that the SPSI-R-SF represents a reliable and valid instrument. The implications and limitations of the study were also discussed with suggestions for further research.
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