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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between distress tolerance and psychological health and the mediation effect of decentering and avoidant coping between distress tolerance and psychological health. A total of 240 university students completed an assessment battery consisting of the measures of distress tolerance, decentering, avoidant coping, positive and negative affect, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, satisfaction with life, and psychological well-being. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that distress tolerance was a significant predictor of depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, satisfaction with life, and psychological well-being when controlling for gender and general affect. A bootstrap approach was used to test the mediation effect of decentering and avoidant coping. The results showed that decentering and avoidant coping mediated the influence of distress tolerance on depressive symptoms and psychological well-being. In addition, avoidant coping mediated the effect of distress tolerance on anxiety symptoms and decentering mediated the effect of distress tolerance on satisfaction with life. Based on the overall findings, the meaning and clinical implications of the current study were discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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