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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This aim of this study is to verify the long-term effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT) for adolescents who were placed on probation for sexual violence, by analyzing their re-offending rate after therapy. This study targeted 64 minors who executed an order to attend cognitive-behavioral therapy after being placed on probation for sexual violence, 82 minors who fulfilled an order to attend various existing programs and 50 minors who did not receive an order to attend any program. For analysis of the re-offending rate, police records were searched three times at intervals of three years in order not to miss juvenile criminal cases. As a result, the recidivism rate of all crime was 39.1% in the group who received cognitive-behavioral therapy, 53.7% in the group who attended existing programs and 62.0% in the group who attended nothing, thus, significant differences were observed. However, the number of teenagers who recommited sexual violence, was, respectively, three, four and three in the three groups, and, thus, no statistically significant differences were observed among them. Significant differences were also observed in the re-offending rate of all crime excepting sexual crime. Based on these results, the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy and improvements for preventing recidivism were discussed
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