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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of the present study was to observe effectiveness of cognitive defusion techniques in Ed – highlight: The word “current” might also be used here. controlling anger by contrasting it against block-out-anger techniques. A total of 56 university students participated and were randomly assigned to each condition. In this study, anger was aroused by talking about a personal event involving anger. Anger and the anger-relief emotion were measured across the ex-ante and ex-post interventions using both techniques. In addition, the presence of three defusion effects on distancing, emotional discomfort regarding anger events and control behavior expected in the process of defusing anger were assessed. After anger arousal using both techniques, the measured level of anger was found to have decreased, and the level of anger-relief emotion had increased. The defusion condition group showed stronger effects on the defusion process than the compared group. These findings suggest that cognitive defusion is a more effective strategy for reducing anger than block-out-anger strategy. Finally, limitations of this study and recommendations for further studies were discussed.
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